Just checked to see if one of my favorite projects is still online; if you haven't seen it, go here and click on the Flight Viewer; and if you have time, check out the other options, such as their "travel agency." Rather long loading times for some items, but worth the wait.
As you know, since the mid-90’s, the CIA has operated an "extraordinary rendition" program in which terrorist suspects captured in Western nations are transported to secret locations for torture and interrogation. The program is carried out largely using leased equipment and private contractors. These private charter planes often use civilian airports for refueling, making their movements visible to anyone who knows which tail numbers to look for. Activists have tracked many of these flights; but since the program has thus far remained beyond the reach of U.S. and international law, we're left to speculate whether any particular plane is currently carrying human cargo en route to being tortured in a CIA “dark prison."
Terminal Air was developed through a partnership between Trevor Paglen and the Institute for Applied Autonomy, source of Graffitiwriter and other great projects.
March 22, 2008
"Terminal Air" by Trevor Paglen and IAA
March 21, 2008
March 20, 2008
Exposure to Apple Logo May Induce Greater Creativity
A recent study shows, “subliminal brand exposures can cause people to act in very specific ways,” said Gráinne Fitzsimons. . . . [Even] imperceptible exposure is enough to spark changes in behavior."
For better or worse.
"People who were exposed to the Apple logo generated significantly more unusual uses for the [test object] compared with those who were primed with the IBM logo, the researchers said. In addition, the unusual uses the Apple-primed participants generated were rated as more creative by independent judges."
One of the more surreal things I've seen lately.
I actually found it somewhat painful; but that Lone Star flag . . . .
March 19, 2008
Art Prostitution Ring
As we all know, Elliott Spitzer resigned under threat of impeachment based on his patronage of a call girl through the high-end prostitution ring, the "Emporers Club."
You may also have heard the ring had another, sister business aimed at the same well-heeled clients, purveying contemporary art by such artists as Carl Andre, John Chamberlain, Jeff Koons, Richard Prince, David Salle, et al.; as of this writing, the website's still live. More details here.
Artist Plays U.S Military's Marketing Video Game
On March 20, 2008, the fifth anniversary of the date of the U.S.'s latest invasion of Iraq, Joseph DeLappe will enact his ongoing protest and memorial art work within the DoD's online military recruiting and marketing video game, America's Army. Using the login name "dead-in-Iraq," DeLappe will enter the multiplayer game as a player and, forgoing fighting, use the game's features to memorialize US troops killed in Iraq.
More at Eyebeam.
March 17, 2008
Biggest Ever Particle Collider May = Time Machine
Being built in Cern, Switzerland. (We almost got one in TX, but surprise! -- cancelled.)
Cern was also the birthplace of the Web.
I could be wrong, but I don't think this sh*t was/is funded by private enterprise.
Photos courtesy of and © by Cern. More pics and info here.