by Ryan Trecartin, via The New York Times. "Ah think Ah just saw a highly advanced, 3-D, text message of mah future self givin' me the middle finger, and I'm gonna f*ck right back in his face." -- "You're totally paranoid!" -- "Ah know what my original wants to look like, and I can't believe you tried to re-cycle me into that person . . . I mean he looks cool and Ah liked him, [but] that's not my original and Ah know he's somewhere LAUGHING . . . ."Per The NYT, a lot longer than his A Family finds Entertainment (right) but still engrossing; judging from the excerpt, considerably less frenetic.
The same article mentions other works I'd also love to see, including new work by Sadie Benning and Nathalie Djurberg.
Showing posts with label Nathalie Djurberg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nathalie Djurberg. Show all posts
January 7, 2008
Excerpt from "I-Be Area"
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