March 6, 2008

A Few Headlines:

"Whistle-Blower: Feds Have a High-Speed Backdoor Into Wireless Carrier. A U.S. government office in Quantico, Virginia, has direct, high-speed access to a major wireless carrier's systems, exposing customers' voice calls, data packets and physical movements to uncontrolled surveillance, according to [Babak Pasdar,] a computer security consultant who says he worked for the carrier in late 2003. . . . [Pasdar's] claims are nearly identical to unsourced allegations made in a federal lawsuit filed in 2006 against four phone companies and the U.S. government for alleged privacy violations." More here. Oddly, the article fails to also note former AT&T technician Mark Klein's allegations, even though he testified before Congress and won an award for it -- see here and here.

"This Thursday, the House of Representatives is expected to hand phone companies a get-out-of-jail-free card for illegally turning over your private phone records to the government. . . . Tell your U.S. representative [NOW] that you oppose any effort to cover-up illegal spying on Americans." You can take action here, or find your rep's contact info here. More on the story here and in my previous posts; and don't miss this (AT&T could already owe each of YOU $146,000 -- that's how seriously a previous Congress took this kind of violation).

"Many [Diebold voting machines] are 'black box' electronic machines that do not produce paper records, so voters have to accept the results they report on faith. . . . Now, there’s a new reason to worry that Diebold plays such a large role in presidential elections. United Technologies has made an unsolicited $3 billion bid to take over Diebold. . . . United Technologies is one of the nation’s leading defense contractors, which means it has an enormous corporate interest in who gets elected President." More here.

"[T]he International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has announced that it will shut down West Coast ports on May 1, to demand an immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East." Others are encouraged to join in the strike. More here.

UPDATE: Per the Seattle Times, in a signing statement re- postal regulation legislation, Bush has now claimed the power to open your mail without a warrant. “'The [Bush] signing statement claims authority to open domestic mail without a warrant, and that would be new and quite alarming,' said Kate Martin, director of the Center for National Security Studies in Washington. . . . 'You have to be concerned,” a senior U.S. official agreed. “It takes executive-branch authority beyond anything we’ve ever known.'” Via

March 5, 2008

"Simply Because You're Near Me . . . "

Ok, so I appreciate cats' potential.

(Thanks, snarky!)

March 4, 2008

Help Fight Telecom Immunity for Gross Violations of Your Fundamental Rights

Re-shaping reality is easier and more fun than you may have imagined.

Pls call all your congressional reps NOW and tell them they are NOT authorized to waive your Constitutional rights to be free from governmental searches without probable cause (see here or here for more details).

You can find your reps' contact info here (which link will, by the way, always be available on the sidebar of this blog at left).

Here's a script (don't forget to delete the superfluous quote marks; and feel free to customize):

"I object to any abrogation of the liability of the telecoms for their collaboration with the Bush administration in violating my Constitutional rights.

"As you know, the indiscriminate, warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens began BEFORE 9-11.

"As you also know, the U.S. Constitution is supposed to PROTECT me from searches and seizures not supported by an oath or affirmation "particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized." The government is NOT allowed to go on fishing expeditions indiscriminately violating my privacy for purposes that may or may not be in my best interests.

"If telecoms are given immunity for these flagrant violations of my rights, there's no limit to what may be asked of them by this or future administrations. Moreover, immunity will make it more difficult to investigate and hold accountable those in the Bush administration responsible for this abuse.

"Please honor your oath of office by protecting my Constitutional rights against this and every other attempted incursion."

Cool Science Toy

Designed by Emil Ernerfeldt for supervisor Kenneth Bodin, HPC2N/VRlab, Umeå University, Sweden, to allow kids to create their own educational toys.

You can download the program for free here. (Sorry, it only works on PC's and Linux machines now, though a Mac version is in the works.) As a starter tip, turn gravity off when you’re attaching stuff to the background (right click after selecting “affix” tool).

(Thanks, Ben!)

March 3, 2008

Max Yasgur & Jimi Hendrix, 1969

The best in us keeps trying to come out. But since power (temptation) corrupts, the best often comes from the unpowerful.

[Update: the video originally posted below, which included both Yasgur's speech and Hendrix's "Star Spangled Banner," has been removed; I've replaced it with the two videos below.]

March 2, 2008

Newsflash! Traditional News Media Losing Audience

. . . because they stopped reporting news.

Per Reuters, "[n]early 70 percent of Americans believe traditional journalism is out of touch, and nearly half are turning to the Internet to get their news, according to a new survey.

"While most people think journalism is important to the quality of life, 64 percent are dissatisfied with the quality of journalism in their communities . . . "

Half-A**ed Attempt to Make up for Recent Shortage of Images

Both from the NASA image gallery. The second image is of Mercury, the planet closest to our Sun, named for the god of communication.

Love Me Some Barack

I'm sorry, but is this as funny as I think it is . . .

Love Me Some Barack
(To the tune of: Loves Me Like A Rock by Paul Simon)

When the OxyContin Kid
Plays the Obama/Osama game
I say that’s voodoo, voodoo for stupid people
But the time has passed for ploys
Charlatans and other liars
Obama this country, this country
You give the hope it needs, so help me
Oh I love me some Barack
I love me some Barack Obama, yeah love me

Then that silly child Ann
Went and attacked your middle name
I say that’s voodoo, voodoo for stupid people
I smell desperation’s plans
Exercises in futility
Obama this country, this country
You give the hope it needs, so help me
Oh I love me some Barack
I love me some Barack Obama, yeah love me

(It goes on; more here. SalmonChantedEvening, for babylonsister.)