Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

August 29, 2012


Thanks, NASA! (More at the link.)

March 30, 2012

Wind Map

The still at right is from Mar. 21, 2012. Here's a real-time animation of the wind as of right now.

February 24, 2012

Re- Apple

I'm enjoying Walter Isaacson's eponymous biography of Steve Jobs. One thing it lacks that Jobs might have appreciated: an illustrated catalogue of Apple's products. You can see many of them here.

I had one of the powerbooks below.

January 22, 2012

P.R. Lessons from Religions

I'd embed Alain de Botton's TED talk, "Atheism 2.0," except that for some reason, TED's forcing a big bunch of empty space above the vidi, so scrue 'em; go here for the talk.

I had several of my own comments, among them being that while I agree that propaganda is a form of art, I believe there's an important, distinguishing characteristic of the greatest art, and that is that, intentionally or not, it conveys truth – because (unlike religions), artists who have proven over the long run to have been great have cared more about exploring and expressing truth in a non-judgmental way than they have about winning adherence to any pre-selected program. E.g., Karl Rove is a great artist if you define "great" as, effective in spreading emotionally compelling fiction; but his fictions probably won't be read 400 years later (unless as examples of effective p.r.). Shakespeare is a great artist if you define "great" as, effective in spreading truths that are timeless.