Showing posts with label Second Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Second Life. Show all posts

September 6, 2009

New Work from Eteam

What can you learn about a society from what it throws away? These and other questions are explored by eteam's new video, PRIM LIMIT, which follows what happened after the artists opened Second Life Dumpster (more here and here) – what items were dumped there, who hung out there, how the Dumpster fit in with its virtual surroundings, etc. You can see a low-res version of the video here.

Eteam also has another new piece I like a lot, Truth in Transit; you can see that and more of their work here.

(Both images are from PRIM LIMIT; click on them for larger versions.)

January 7, 2009

Grand Opening of Cao Fei's "RMB City" in Second Life

Sat., Jan 10th, here. Per the press release,

Public Opening Ceremony & Celebration in SecondLife
Jan 9, 2009: 6pm-8pm (SecondLife Time)
Jan 10, 2009: 10am-12pm (Beijing Time)
Venue: People's Palace
(RMB City Hall, aka Sigg Castle)
Landmark in Second Life: RMB City 1, RMB City 1 (153, 32,126)

Special Opening Events
* Speech by China Tracy (RL: Cao Fei)
* Inauguration of RMB City Mayor, Mr. Uli Sigg
* Official opening of the city, with public celebration in People's Waterpark
* Opening and tours of "Master Q's Guide to Virtual Feng Shui" in various locations around RMB City, as well as the first exhibition of UCCA in RMB City (People's Aerial Castle)
* Release of "People's Monthly" (Issue #1), the official publication of RMB City, plus other downloads of information and surprises
* Visitors can visit these and other ongoing projects of RMB City, as well as beginning to explore the full city and all its treasures . . .

RMB City is a virtual real estate project created by Ms. Cao within Second Life ("RMB" is a name for the "real" life Chinese currency). The project is described as "a condensed incarnation of contemporary Chinese cities, with most of their characteristics; a series of new Chinese fantasy realms that are highly self-contradictory, inter-permeative, pan-political, extremely entertaining, and laden with irony and suspicion. . . . A rough hybrid of communism, socialism and capitalism, RMB City will be realized in a globalized digital sphere combining overabundant symbols of Chinese reality with cursory imaginings of the country's future."

(As you may recall, the promotional trailer for this project was exhibited in The Program, in which we also screened Ms. Cao's documentary shot in and about 2L, iMirror.) Lots more info about RMB City here.

January 6, 2009

Understanding Islam Through Virtual Worlds

I had to post this 'cuz it combines two things I'm really interested in. "[A]n event-based program . . . tak[ing] place in Second Life to create dialogue around the issue of Islam and to study any benefits or limitations of virtual worlds in the creation of new channels of communication between cultures." (Not exactly sure what they mean by "the issue of Islam," but.) By Dancing Ink Productions; via BoingBoing.

February 20, 2008

Cao Fei’s "iMirror"

. . . a documentary “filmed” entirely in Second Life and directed by her SL avatar China Tracy. Including some slightly hilarious avatar disco dancing and rather long credits at the end, Part 3, below, is 9:28 min.

Part 1 opens with a great quote from William J. Mitchell's Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City: "I construct, and I am constructed, in a mutually recursive process that continually engages my fluid, permeable boundaries and my endlessly ramifying networks. I am a spatially extended cyborg."

More iMirror: Part 1, Part 2.

Info re- current exhibits of Fei's work at Artkrush, which quotes Fei, "[i]n the end, I think this 3-D world is the future world." Which 3-D world?